Please note: The application is now closed. All submitted applications will be reviewed by March 31st, 2025.


Confirmation information and optional questions

Thank you for your application

If you have just applied and are seeing this message, please contact for your Application ID #.
  • Please note that, due to the timing of your submission, we may not be able to review your application before the conclusion of our program. However, we will make every effort to do so. Final decisions regarding all applications will be made by March 31, 2025.
  • Please save and reference this Application ID. You will need to share it if you email or call 833-469-3397 (toll free) with questions about your application.

  • You are welcome to check the status of your application at any time using your Application ID number and the following link:

  • You may be contacted by Pasa Sustainable Agriculture staff with questions regarding your application. Pasa staff will reference information you provided in your application when contacting you. 

  • Protect yourself from scams and fraud. Don’t respond to emails that look suspicious. You can always email or call 833-469-3397 (toll free) if you are unsure whether an email or call you’ve received might be a scam.
  • Please DO NOT apply for Farm and Food Worker Program relief payments more than once. Submitting multiple applications may significantly delay your relief payment if you are approved. 

  • If you need to make a correction to your application, you can email or call 833-469-3397 (toll free).

    Thank you again for your interest in our program.

Optional demographic questions

Your Farm and Food Workers Relief Program application has already been submitted. The following questions are optional and will not impact your application. Your answers will remain anonymous.
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